LEGO Role Play Toys and Costumes Sets

Unicorn Clan Shield
? pieces

Unicorn Clan Sword
? pieces

Skeleton Sword
? pieces

Legoland Red Dragon Shield
? pieces

Imperium Sword
? pieces

Golden Sword
? pieces

Crossing Katanas with Sheath
? pieces

Legoland Yellow Lion Shield
? pieces

Sword of Fire
? pieces

Lloyd's Dao with Sheath
? pieces

LEGOLAND Lighted Princess Wand
? pieces

Lord Garmadon's Mega Weapon
? pieces

Jade Blade
? pieces

Light Sword
? pieces

Princess Sword
? pieces

Dragon Shield
? pieces

Crossing Katanas
? pieces

Dragon Dress Up
? pieces

Pirate Hat (Boy)
? pieces

Pirate Dress-Up (Girl)
? pieces