LEGO Justice League Sets

Speed Force Freeze Pursuit
280 pieces

Lex Luthor Mech Takedown
415 pieces

Superman & Krypto Team-Up
208 pieces

Knightcrawler Tunnel Attack
623 pieces

Battle of Atlantis
198 pieces

Flying Fox: Batmobile Airlift Attack
956 pieces

Heroes of Justice: Sky High Battle
518 pieces

Clash of the Heroes
91 pieces

Kryptonite Interception
307 pieces

The Batmobile
63 pieces

Black Manta Deep Sea Strike
389 pieces

Gorilla Grodd Goes Bananas
348 pieces

Darkseid Invasion
547 pieces

Brainiac Attack
179 pieces

Green Lantern vs. Sinestro
176 pieces

Plastic Man
4 pieces
Showing all 16 sets