LEGO Scala Sets

1-2-3 Marie
27 pieces

Indie's Stable
117 pieces

Emma's Chill-Out Kitchen
66 pieces

Summer Day Out
22 pieces

Happy Home
274 pieces

Hot Wear for Woman
3 pieces

Emma on the Move
71 pieces

Playroom for the Baby Thomas
84 pieces

Olivia in Smooth Dress
14 pieces

Cool Wear for Girls
2 pieces

Puppy Playground
44 pieces

20 pieces

Carla's Winter Camp
172 pieces

39 pieces

Christian in Tough Wear
8 pieces

Andrea in Jogging Suit
10 pieces

Windbreaker and Jeans
3 pieces

Carry and Shopping Accessories
15 pieces

Camping Trip
82 pieces

Christian in Blue Jeans
9 pieces