LEGO Thomas & Friends Sets

Stanley at Great Waterton
19 pieces

Thomas at Morgan's Mine
22 pieces

James Celebrates Sodor Day
34 pieces

Thomas Starter Set
82 pieces

Percy at the Sheds
34 pieces

Gordon's Express
13 pieces

Island of Sodor Collection
? pieces

Salty the Dockyard Diesel
8 pieces

Spencer and Sir Topham Hatt
45 pieces

Cranky-Loading Crane
34 pieces

Complete Thomas Collection
? pieces

Harold the Helicopter
7 pieces

James at Knapford Station
32 pieces

Percy at the Water Tower
15 pieces

James and Percy Tunnel Set
1 pieces

Thomas Bridge & Tunnel Set
15 pieces

Thomas Load and Carry Train Set
61 pieces

Toby at Wellsworth Station
19 pieces
Showing all 18 sets