LEGO Minecraft Sets

The Crafting Table
1195 pieces

13 pieces

Steve's Desert Expedition
75 pieces

Baby Pig's Birthday Celebration
351 pieces

Steve with Armor Stand and Blast Furnace
20 pieces

Steve and Baby Panda
35 pieces

Adventure Gamer Gift Set
? pieces

The Badlands Mineshaft
554 pieces

The Nether Portal Ambush
352 pieces

The Ender Dragon and End Ship
657 pieces

The Cherry Blossom Garden
304 pieces

Nether Hero and Strider
36 pieces

The Windmill Farm
462 pieces

The Pirate Ship Voyage
166 pieces

The Wolf Stronghold
315 pieces

The Frog House
400 pieces

Steve with Bat and TNT
? pieces

The Devourer Showdown
420 pieces

Hero with Skeleton
20 pieces

Witch and Black Cat
23 pieces