LEGO The Lord of the Rings Sets

Battle at the Black Gate
656 pieces

The Tower of Orthanc
2362 pieces

The Wizard Battle
113 pieces

The Council of Elrond
243 pieces

Pirate Ship Ambush
756 pieces

The Mines of Moria
781 pieces

Frodo with Cooking Corner
35 pieces

Uruk Hai with Ballista
21 pieces

6 pieces

Gandalf Arrives
83 pieces

The Orc Forge
363 pieces

31 pieces

Shelob Attacks
227 pieces

Attack on Weathertop
430 pieces

The Battle of Helm's Deep
1367 pieces

The Battle of Helm's Deep Collection
? pieces

The Lord of the Rings Collection
? pieces

Uruk-hai Army
257 pieces
Showing all 18 sets